Our History
During the 2005-2006 school year, a group of site administrators (members of the San Juan Administrative Association) asked the Public Employment Relations Board to hold an election which would allow them to become a union. The ballots were mailed to all eligible members on September 26, 2005 and were due by October 18, 2005. With approximately 170 eligible voters, the total votes were 107 for the union and 21 opposed. On November 4, 2005, the PERB (Public Employment Relations Board) certified the San Juan Professional Educators Coalition as the exclusive representatives of all employees in the unit.
SJPEC became one of only a handful of unions representing Certificated Supervisory employees within the State of California. Since that time the Coalition has negotiated with the District to provide a contract that best meets the interest of its members. The Coalition is run by elected members of the organization and has representatives from all certificated positions within the Coalition.